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Indian Trade and Intercourse Act

Reflecting on the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790

On July 22, 1790, Congress passed the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act, a significant piece of legislation that marked the first attempt to regulate trade between Native Americans and colonists. This Act was a foundational moment in the history of Native American and federal relations, setting the precedent for future interactions and policies.

Understanding the Act: The Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790 aimed to establish federal control over all interactions between Native Americans and non-Indians. This included trade, land transactions, and other interactions, ensuring they were conducted under federal authority. The Act proclaimed the U.S. government's treaty-making policy, which required that any agreements or treaties with Native American tribes be handled at the federal level, rather than by individual states or local entities.

Significance of the Act:

  1. Federal Authority: The Act asserted federal control over Native American affairs, centralizing power and attempting to standardize interactions to prevent abuses and conflicts.

  2. Treaty-Making Policy: By mandating that all treaties with Native Americans be made by the federal government, the Act aimed to provide a more consistent and lawful approach to Native American relations.

  3. Regulating Trade: The Act sought to regulate trade to protect Native American communities from exploitation and unfair practices by traders and settlers.

Why It's Important to Remember: Reflecting on the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790 helps us understand the historical context of federal Native American policies and the beginnings of federal control over Native American affairs. While the Act was intended to protect Native American interests, it also laid the groundwork for future federal policies that often resulted in significant challenges and injustices for Native American communities.

Remembering this Act allows us to acknowledge the complexities of early U.S. policies toward Native Americans and the enduring impact these policies have had on Native communities. It serves as a reminder of the importance of fair and just treatment of all peoples and the need for continued advocacy for Native American rights and sovereignty.

As we reflect on this historical event, let us honor the resilience of Native American communities and continue to work towards a future of respect, understanding, and equitable treatment for all.

July 9

Coastal Trail of Tears