Dii n’ee Nee-yuu-hi
(Our Lands)

We have identified and are working to establish the following programs and projects to address the needs of our lands.

  • Objective: Implement innovative projects for cultural preservation, sustainably manage our ancestral forests and woodlands to restore a healthy forest.

    Some developing projects include:

    Ecological Assessments
    GIS Mapping
    Cultural (Cold) Burns

  • Objective: Detect and prevent wildfires to protect natural resources and communities.

    Early Detection Systems: ALERTWest

    Emergency Response Plans: Natural and Cultural Resources Preservation and Protection Program Disaster Plan (NCRP3)

    Research and Technology Integration:

    Operational Lookout Tower:Quail Prairie Lookout

  • Objective: Assess the impact of wildfires and implement recovery strategies to restore ecosystems.

    Long-Term Monitoring and Adaptive Management Projects

    Healing Rhythms Project represents a unique opportunity to blend traditional ecological knowledge with contemporary research methods, offering valuable insights into the multifaceted benefits of traditional drumming. By highlighting the interconnectedness of cultural practices, mental health, and environmental stewardship, this project aims to contribute to the well-being of both indigenous communities and the natural world.

  • Objective: Preserve and protect culturally significant trails.

    Healing of the Trails

    Native Trails Crew

    Research and Mapping Projects

  • Objective: Restore habitats for native wildlife and protect endangered species.

    Prairie and Meadow Identification and Restoration Projects

    Oak Savannah Restoration Projects

    Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Projects

  • Objective: Promote sustainable agricultural practices and enhance food sovereignty.

    Chinquapin Restoration Project

    Camas Restoration Project

    Invasive Species Management Projects

    Salmon for Elders Project

    More coming soon

  • Objective: Incorporate traditional ecological knowledge into land management practices.