Celebrating Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing at Travel Oregon Welcome Center

We are honored to share our heartfelt gratitude for the collaboration, outreach, and community engagement that made our recent talk, titled "Understanding Wildfire Impacts on the Kalmiopsis Wilderness; Preserving Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Community Safety," at the Travel Oregon Welcome Center at Crissey Field Recreation Site a success.

At Northwest American Indian Coalition, Inc., we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and the importance of raising awareness about critical topics that impact our community and environment. This event was a testament to the dedication and support we've received from all those who joined us.

Collaboration and Outreach: We want to extend a special thank you to Travel Oregon for their collaboration and for providing us with the platform to address a topic of paramount importance. The Crissey Field Recreation Site served as the ideal backdrop for this crucial conversation. We deeply appreciate their commitment to community engagement and education.

Engaged Audience: To all those who attended our talk, whether you came out of curiosity or concern for our environment, your presence made a significant difference. Your thoughtful questions, active participation, and eagerness to learn exemplify the spirit of our community. It's through such engagements that we can collectively work towards a safer, more resilient future.

Preserving Knowledge: Preserving Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is not just a responsibility; it's a legacy we pass on to future generations. By attending our talk, you've shown your commitment to this cause, and for that, we are truly grateful. The knowledge shared by our Elders is a treasure, and together, we ensure it continues to shine brightly.

We want to express our profound gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this event. Your support fuels our determination to continue educating, advocating, and working towards a safer and more informed community.

Stay tuned for more events, initiatives, and opportunities to engage with us in meaningful conversations about topics that matter. Together, we can build a brighter future.

If you would like to collaborate on a project, please use our contact form

Agenda: Understanding Wildfire Impacts on the Kalmiopsis Wilderness; Preserving Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Community Safety

  1. Wildfire Basics: We'll lay the foundation by exploring the fundamentals of wildfires:

    1. Fire Behavior: Understanding how fires ignite, spread, and behave under different conditions.

    2. Fuel Sources: Examining the types of materials that can feed a wildfire.

    3. Weather's Influence: Discovering the critical role weather plays in fire development and containment

  2. Wildfire Impacts: We'll explore the wide-ranging impacts of wildfires, which extend beyond the flames:

    1. Environmental Consequences: Investigating the ecological effects on forests, wildlife, and ecosystems.

    2. Economic Toll: Assessing the financial burden on communities, businesses, and governments.

    3. Social Challenges: Recognizing the social and emotional toll on affected communities and individuals.

  3. Introducing Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): TEK represents the wisdom and practices passed down through generations by Indigenous peoples.

    1. Introducing TEK: TEK encompasses the deep understanding of ecosystems, fire behavior, and sustainable land management.

    2. Leading Modern Science: TEK provides a holistic perspective on fire's ecological role and Indigenous fire practices.

    3. Prevention and Mitigation: Indigenous fire practices, such as controlled burns, have been used for centuries to reduce fuel loads and prevent catastrophic wildfires. 

    4. Community Resilience: TEK fosters community resilience by strengthening connections to the land and traditions. 

    5. TEK and Fire Management: Exploring how Indigenous knowledge enhances fire management strategies.

  4. Community Safety

    1. Strategies for Protecting Communities from Wildfires

  5. Challenges and Solutions

    1. Addressing Barriers to TEK Integration

  6. Resilience and Adaptation

    1. How TEK Can Help Communities Adapt to Changing Fire Patterns

  7. NAIC Initiatives and Projects

    1. Highlighting the work of our non-profit organization and thank funders.

  8. Q&A

    1. Audience Questions and Discussion

  9. Thank You

    1. Acknowledgment and Contact Information

Katrina Upton

Tech Mom of 3 | Horse Lover | Mac User | Website Designer | Native Biz Owner | Proud Tuu-tuu-dv-ne


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