About the QPL Project

Welcome to the T'uu-t'uu-ni tl'uu lhch'an-xul-'ii-dvn
(Quail Prairie Lookout) Project page.

This transformative project was born out of the destruction and devastation caused by the Chetco Bar Fire in 2017. As we rebuild and revive this crucial lookout tower in collaboration with the United States Forest Service (USFS), we strive to turn adversity into an opportunity for growth and resilience.

The Chetco Bar Fire served as a catalyst for our community to come together and reimagine the future of the Quail Prairie Lookout site. In the face of immense loss, we saw an opportunity to create a space that not only safeguards our natural environment but also honors the indigenous history and cultural significance of the area.

Central to the project is the rebuilding of the lookout tower, which will once again stand tall as a symbol of strength and vigilance. Alongside this restoration, we are installing a cutting-edge video camera system that will enable early detection of fires, bolstering our preparedness and response efforts to protect the surrounding landscape.

Beyond its functional aspects, the Quail Prairie Lookout site is envisioned to be a hub of community training, education, and scientific research. We aim to engage surrounding tribes, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing to ensure the protection of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness area. Together, we will explore innovative ways to preserve the delicate balance of this extraordinary ecological landscape.

The Kalmiopsis Wilderness, nestled within the Siskiyou National Forest in southwestern Oregon, is a testament to the resilience of nature. This region, part of the globally recognized Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion, has captivated researchers and conservationists worldwide. With over 3,500 plant species calling this area home, the Kalmiopsis Wilderness has earned its distinction as an Area of Global Botanical Significance by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). Its exceptional biodiversity has sparked conversations about its potential as a World Heritage Site, a testament to its significance on a global scale.

We are honored to undertake this journey of rebuilding and revitalization, inspired by the past and driven by a commitment to the future. The T'uu-t'uu-ni tl'uu lhch'an-xul-'ii-dvn (Quail Prairie Lookout) Project represents our unwavering dedication to cultural preservation, environmental stewardship, and community resilience.

Stay tuned for updates and announcements as we progress on this meaningful endeavor. Together, let us forge a path forward, rebuilding not just structures, but also the spirit of unity and determination.