Waa-ghii~-li~ Nee-yuu-hi
(Our History)

We have identified and are working to establish the following programs and projects to address the historical preservation and education needs in Curry County.

  • Objective: Preserve, document, and share the rich histories and legacies of our ancestors, ensuring that their stories and contributions are honored and remembered by future generations.

    Blood Memories Documentary

    Historical Archives

    Online Photo Collections

    Genealogy Research and Reconciliation

    Cemetery Cleanup Projects

  • Objective: Incorporate the history of the Dee-ni' people into community history, educational programs and school curricula.

  • Objective: Research and map significant historical sites, trails and events.

    Historical Markers and Place Names

    Monuments & Memorials

    Interpretive Sites

  • Coming Soon

    Objective: Create a dedicated space for cultural preservation and community activities. Create spaces to showcase indigenous art and educate about the history of the Dee-ni' people

  • Objective: Commemorate significant historical events and anniversaries.

    Cultural Calendar

    Calendar of Events