Waa-tr’vslh-’a~ Nuu-yuu-we
(Our Culture)
We have identified and are working to establish the following programs and projects to address the needs of our preserving and revitalizing our culture.
Objective: Support language use projects and improve access to local language programs and other indigenous languages of the region.
https://learnchinookjargon.wordpress.comNuu-da’ Mv-ne’ (Oregon) – a language organization dedicated to improving access to Dee-ni‘ language materials, providing meaningful support to language learners and teachers and contributing to the revitalization of their speech community. The Dee-ni‘ language dialects are historically spoken in an area that starts nearby Floras Lake, OR, continues south to Wilson Creek, CA and extends east to the Rogue River Valley in present-day Medford, OR.
Objective: Document and archive traditional knowledge, oral histories, and cultural practices.
Objective: Improve access to traditional arts and crafts, such as basketry, beadwork, and carving.
Eagle Feather Care & Cleaning Project
Weekly Beading Classes
Weekly Regalia Classes
Objective: Improve access and awareness, promote local cultural, celebrate community Tribal events, and support continued learning.
Annual Community Potlatch
Objective: Integrate traditional ecological and land based knowledge into environmental and resource management.
Objective: Engage and educate youth about their cultural heritage.
Objective: Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and traditions between generations.
Objective: Establish exchange programs with other indigenous communities.
Dugout Canoe Project
Canoe Journeys
Miss Traditional - An annual award project identifying, supporting and promoting a southern Oregon Native youth traditional dancer.
Coming Soon
Objective: Create a dedicated space for cultural preservation and community activities. Create spaces to showcase indigenous art and educate about the history of the Dee-ni' people.
Tututni Rogue Estuary Project